Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Hi everyone,

I was just with my mates at the underground when an agent and a few other chobots(whose names I will not say) started saying mean things about fishalate behind his back! I was kinda mad and someone (thanks to whoever it was) called fishalate and he came to sort things out.He was really upset that a fellow agent would do such a thing but with all his friends to comfort him his spirits brightened!

It's so sad to think that one of MY friends was being picked on!
And, to be honest, the people who said those things were being just as mean as they were saying fishalate was because they were sating mean things about him behind his back!


  1. Im realy sorry to say this , cutiequeen but fishlate wasn`t the kind of agent i was thinking of first time when i met him...well he didn`t just use VERY bad words at my 2nd pary at the academy a loooong time ago but he said CHOW and I said bad words.... i dont think chow remembers.....there might still be some chobots who remember it but many people talk about Fishlate about turning bad( i wont give out names) and i got another story...fish was at cafe street with me and one friend...he usualy uses Caps Lock so he will look angry and like you need to lisent to him. somone just scammed somone and me and my friend and fishlate came there ... fishalte said: I DONT NEED UR HELP !!! YOU ARE NOT AGENTS SO I DONT NEED YOU TO HELP ME!...that was very bad from an agent!

  2. I know...but he is kinder now...being an agent was a good lesson for him
